December 13th, 2013Bingo-themed DIY Photo Frames
Bingo-themed Photo Frames DIY frame crafts based on the classic game Gingham Bingo Frame -
Bingo nowadays enjoys a certain elevated status—more than a game, it has become a subculture. It penetrated genres which did not seem likely before; for instance, it has been the subject of films (Bingo: The Documentary), it inspired the name of a band (Bingo Players), and it even permeated the fashion industry (Fashion Week Bingo card). It’s no surprise if it also joined the craft world.
The classic bingo game has inspired many craft projects, and recently enthusiasts have been making photo frames based on it. Here are some examples:
Gingham Bingo Frame Amy Duff of Vintage Street Market created this frame. The frame was first covered with red gingham printed paper, then layered with mini vignettes including old bingo cards. The bingo card is wrapped in black twirly twine, and a cutout of a paper doll is included. This will depend on the photo to be placed in the frame—if the picture is of a fashionista, a cutout of BingoGodz’ Afro-Dity will be better, or soccer balls if the photo is that of an athlete.
Bingo Collage Frame Amanda Jones Designs came up with this frame idea. Using a rectangular simple black frame, she created a vintage bingo collage photo frame. To create a classic feel, the bingo card was “distressed a bit” in order to appear older. Other vintage items such as stamps and tea collectors cards may also be added. A paper flower at the frame’s edge will be an ideal finishing touch. Scalloped Bingo Frame This can be made using printed bingo cards and printed scallop-designed frames.
Deedee Campbell gave the steps on how to proceed: stick the bingo card on the scalloped frame then use scrapbooking materials to embellish. Cork oval fruits may be placed on the frame’s edge, then some raffia and charms may be put opposite the cork fruits for balance. Colored lace may be placed at the bottom part for a touch of elegance.
Tags: Bingo, bingo card, DIY, DIY photo frames, DIY picture frame, frame, game, image, photo, picture