Hello everyone!

Did you know that globally we celebrate the parents? Yes, that's true, the UN General Assembly has recently established the Global Day of Parents, which is celebrated every June 1st.

The aim of this day is to honor parents all over the world. 

I guess, everyone loves his parents all around the world. We should love our parents, as they are the people that gave us a life. We should respect, think of them and take care of them. So, let's celebrate the Parents Day!

Below it's a parents photo frame in which you could add your photo and send them a nice e-card.

parents ecard 

Another parents photo frame in which you could add your photo and send your parents this nice e-card.

parents photo frame

Or add your parents photo and send them this nice e-card.

rose photo frame



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See more Family frames to choose from and create e-cards for your parents!