Want to display a text link or image link (static or animated banner) on FrameShow.com and promote your product or service? Look no further!
There are many spots through our website where you can add your text link or banner advert in order enhance your company exposure. All advertising is sold on a tenancy basis (per request).
Send us an email stating the type of ad (whether text or image based) and size (in case of image ad) you want, along with a brief description of your product-service and URL.
We will then send you all necessary information regarding cost and material needed.
Ad display information:
Type |
Page |
Available Positions |
Positions |
Price |
Text Link
or Banner |
(PR 5/10) |
Right Column
banner space |
Position 2 |
Contact us |
(PR 5/10) |
Position 3 |
(PR 5/10) |
Ad types and sizes
Text Links:
Photo Frame Show: Add stylish frames to your digital photos and enhance your web pages, photo albums, and more.
Banners (120x240):

For detailed information, please contact us at marketing@frameshow.com